Saturday, 1 March 2014

8) Some Old Testament resources - The Bible Unearthed

The historical foundations for the Biblical stories that describe the beginnings of the Jewish tradition from the journeys of the patriarchs to the land of Canaan, the conquest and settlement in the land, and the establishment of the monarchy from the time of Saul, David and Solomon are the subject of intense scrutiny and debate. Biblical archeology is fascinating, and its' findings are sometimes controversial because the results are used to support various claims and counter claims about who has been gifted the land by God. The lyrics of the 1960 Exodus song begin with the words "This land is mine, God gave this land to me." What are we to make of the archeological evidence and its impact on our interpretation of the Biblical texts?

If you have been following this blog you will already be aware that my own position is one that simplistic answers to complex Biblical questions will not provide the kind of sufficiently solid foundation we are looking for. The truth is not going to be found by reverting to naive belief in the biblical traditions as they were shaped and handed on, nor by a radically sceptical position. We know enough about how news stories are shaped by media moguls in our own time not to make room for the likelihood that many forces, both political and religious, played their role in shaping the Biblical traditions. It's all part of coming to terms with the humanity of the scriptures knowing that they are God's word and at the same time mediated words that come, like all human words, from specific times and places and agendas. This can lead some people to become overly sceptical when other ways of appreciating the beauty and truth of the scriptures are also possible. When we think about the mystery of the incarnation we are reminded that God's Word became a human word in the person of Jesus. It was in the midst of all the messiness and fragility of the Roman province of Syria that Jesus was born. In a similar way God speaks in and through the scriptures. What is exciting and comforting to know is that God is present and speaking in the midst of it all!

The YouTubes below you might find of interest as you explore the archeology of the Bible.

YouTube The Bible Unearthed 1. The Patriarchs

YouTube The Bible Unearthed 2. The Patriarchs

YouTube The Bible Unearthed 3. The Kings

YouTube The Bible Unearthed 4. The Book

The Bible and Archaeology Blogspot

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Chris ..without your help I would be lost God bless, Milly
