Monday, 16 March 2015

26) Matthew's portrait of Jesus

           At the heart of Matthew's Gospel is the understanding that in Jesus of Nazareth God is with us 1:23 (M= this abbreviation is used to indicate material unique to Matthew's Gospel);18:20 (M);28:20 (M). Matthew makes extensive use of titles such as Son of God, Son of David, Christ, Lord and Wisdom to explore the richness of the person of Jesus.

            Jesus' sonship is:

·      declared at his baptism 3:17
·      tested in the desert 4:3,6 (Q)
·      recognized by demons 8:29
·      confessed by disciples 14:33; 16:15 (M)
·      questioned by the High priest 26:63
·      mocked/blasphemed at the crucifixion 27:40ff (M)
·      confessed at his death 27:54

            As God's Son Jesus could command stones to become bread 4:3 (Q), or throw himself down and be protected by angels 4:6 (Q); or if he appealed to the Father have 12 legions protect him from the passion 26:53 (M). Jesus' sonship is shown actively in obedience to the Father's will 26:39,41-42 (M c.f. 6:10) and giving his life as a ransom for many as the Son of man 20:28 (16:21; 17:12,22-23; 20:17-19; 26:2).

            Matthew's exalted christology can be detected in that many worship/kneel down before him. (It is worth noting that  while Mark has people fall at Jesus' feet  Matthew  has them kneel respectfully).

·      Magi 2:2 (8) 11 (M)
·      leper 8:2
·      ruler 9:18
·      disciples 14:33(M) ; 28:9 (M)
·      Canaanite woman 15:25

            The post-resurrection confession of Jesus as Lord is also placed on the lips of disciples during Jesus' earthly ministry

·      calming the storm 8:25 (M)
·      walking on the water 14:28 (M)
·      Caesaria Philippi 16:22 (M)
·      Transfiguration 17:4 (M)
·      question of forgiveness 18:21 (M).

            While Mark and Luke rarely use the title Son of David (Mk 10:47-48; 12:25) Matthew uses it as a major christological tool. As Son of David Jesus:

·      heals 9:27; 12:23 (M) ; 20:30
·      casts out demons 15:22 (M)
·      is humble 21:5 (M)
·      is praised by the crowds 21:9 (M)
·      is mocked by Roman soldiers and Jewish religious authorities `                            27:29,37,42.
Sourced from
            The figure of the Son of Man was a motif already well established in the Markan tradition dealing with the forgiveness of sins, the suffering and exaltation of Jesus and his future return as judge. The Q tradition also had its own traditions associated with the Son of Man:

·      Foxes have holes 8:20
·      Being a friend of tax collectors and sinners 11:19
·      Being spoken against 12:32
·      The sign of Jonah 12:40
·      Lightning that will accompany the return of the Son of Man 24:27
·      Comparison with the days of Noah 24:37,39,
·      The unexpected day of the Son of Man 24:44.

Matthew also incorporates unique traditions about the Son of Man in:

·      Persecution for those who preach the message 10:23
·      The Son of Man in the parable of the Tares and Wheat 13:37
·      Some disciples not tasting death until the Son of Man comes 16:28
·      The suffering of the Son of Man 17:12
·      The Son of Man sitting on the throne of glory 19:28
·      The Tribes mourning when the Son of Man returns 24:30

            In Luke's gospel Jesus and John the Baptist are Wisdom's children (Lk 7:35) but Matthew goes even further: Jesus is Wisdom. As Wisdom Jesus

·      is justified by his deeds 11:19 (Q)
·      has a yoke which is easy 11:25-30 (c.f. Sir 51:23-30) (M)
·      has a wisdom greater than Solomon 12:42 (Q)
·      is rejected by his own 13:54ff
·      sends the prophets, wise men and scribes 23:34 (Q  c.f. Lk 11:49).

            In Jewish reflection Wisdom was identified with the Mosaic law, in Jesus this is completed, fulfilled and surpassed 5:18ff.

            Another feature of Matthew’s Christology is its development of the association of Jesus’ ministry with the figure of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah in 8:17 (Isa 53:4) and 12:17-21 (Isa 42:1-4).

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