Genealogy 1:1-17 ( Jesus’ place in God’s saving history – God
with us - Immanuel)
Infancy narrative 1:18-2:23 (
in five scenes )
Magi 2:1-12
Flight to Egypt 2:13-15
Massacre of Innocents 2:16-18
Return to Nazareth 2:19-23
Magi 2:1-12
Flight to Egypt 2:13-15
Massacre of Innocents 2:16-18
Return to Nazareth 2:19-23
Preparations for Jesus' ministry
The ministry of John the
Baptist 3:1-12
Jesus' baptism (announced as Son) 3:13-17
Temptation 4:1-12 (tempted as Son)
The light dawns 4: 13-16
Jesus' Galilean ministry
Introduction 4: 17-25
Summary of
Jesus' message of the kingdom 4:17
Call of the first disciples 4:18-22
Summary of Jesus' ministry of
teaching, preaching and healing 4:23- 25 ( Jesus
reveals what the Good News looks like)
1st major discourse: The sermon on the Mount 5:1-7:29 ( Jesus as the New Moses )
A cycle of miracle stories
8:1-9:32 (themes of following and Jesus' authority ) ( Who is this? The
suffering servant who carries us Mt 8:17))
major discourse: The disciples are commissioned 10:1-11:1
Jesus' ministry and identity are questioned
misunderstood and opposed 11:2-12:50 which leads Jesus to judge his own
generation. ( Jesus the suffering
servant Mt 12:18-20)
3rd major discourse: The Parables of the Kingdom 13:1-52
Narrative section 13:53 -17:27 (section
in which Jesus' identity continues to be questioned and witnesses Jesus'
attention turning to the disciples who will recognize Jesus as Messiah and Son of God . Jesus turns towards Jerusalem but
will need to educate the disciples to be prepared for the Passion)
4th major discourse: The community rule 18:1-19:1
Narrative section 19:2-20:34 in
which Jesus continues to prepare the disciples as they learn about the values
of the kingdom.
Jesus' Jerusalem ministry
21:1-23:39 After Jesus'
entry into the city the opposition is defeated and
judged in a number of scenes
culminating in the woes upon the Pharisees and Jerusalem.
5th major discourse: The eschatological discourse 24:1-25:46
26:1-27:66 The Passion narrative (the
Son who gives his life as a ransom for many is betrayed, abandoned, blasphemed
and recognised)
28: 1-20 The Resurrection and
commission to baptise and preach the gospel to all nations. (The Risen
One sends us to the world and will be with us till the end of time )
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